22 Eylül 2014 Pazartesi

17 Eylül 2014 Çarşamba


My latest creation. 
I hope i'll finish this in a few days. Stay tuned!


Happy birthday mom love you!



"In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil's might
Beware my power--Green Lantern's light!"




Let's color!
(That's me by the way:)


I'm still working on this. My colleague F.Betül Yılmaz writing script as we speak and i'm trying to picturize her imagination. Basically our story begins with a man who lost his sister in a awful motorcycle accident. His name is "Can". After so many years from that accident he is finally bringing her back in a different way. I mean different, let's say less human, more robot. The story contains really heavy stuff. Ethics, philosophy, Transhumanism, Math, Science etc.  

Some nano-suit designs. 
( For Batman and White Ranger )


16 Eylül 2014 Salı

"Hall of Turks"

That's my family and me (handsome with dagger and blue outfit).. We have iron throne and everything.Lots of detail and coloring so i spent 48hours + couple of energy drink for this one..

My Favorite turtle in ancient Japan. He is also a samurai...

Leonardo her zaman çizmekten keyif aldığım ve her seferinde ilk kez çiziyormuşum gibi heyecan veren bir karakter olmuştur. O yüzden arada bir leo çizmek iyi gelir.. 



Batmobile design for upcoming film "Batman vs Superman : Dawn of Justice" but they already decided so maybe next time :)


This one is a little bit different from my comic-book style. More like digital painting. But if you're an artist you must try every other art form. Helps you find your own..

Electrocutioner vs Batman

Electrocutioner is a fictional character in the DC Comics Universe.
The Electrocutioner’s costume possesses circuitry that allows him to either stun or kill his victims at will with a bolt of electricity. But Batman will top him No matter what!

In this drawing i designed background first. And than Batman's suit of course. He has to wear some kind a robotic suit that can absorb electric. So i did this. I guess 20hour + lots of coffee.   


This guy is some kind of a guardian who protects Aztec treasures. If you're brave enough to challenge him and than maybe just maybe you can collect some gold but if you're not he collects you..

"The Master"

The Master is the head of an ancient order of vampires, a classic Old World villain devoted to ritual and prophecy. So he rocks!

"The Master"

90'ların kült dizisi "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" hayatımdaki önemi nedeniyle bu sağlam karakteri resmetmek istedim... Baya yaşlıdır kendileri.. 


Futuristic character design for Joker. Inking and coloring by me, I'm not sure about "j" on his cheast though:/

Designs for Beck’s, Art Label Project.. 

"Some Action"

My favorite turtle..
 1 hour sketch for Leonardo..


This one is special..
I mean special gift for very special person. She was best zombie hunter i know and best lover you can ever imagine..Thanks for everything.EY 


Character Design for "The Key of Solomon". Comic book project that i wrote the script and designed all the characters. Still working on it.

"The Key of Solomon" isimli çizgi roman projem için tasarladığım karakterlerden biri. Zaman bulabilirsem tamamlamayı umuyorum..


Character Design for "The Key of Solomon". Comic book project that i wrote the script and designed all the characters. Still working on it.

"The Key of Solomon" isimli çizgi roman projem için tasarladığım karakterlerden biri. Zaman bulabilirsem tamamlamayı umuyorum..


Character Design for "The Key of Solomon". Comic book project that i wrote the script and designed all the characters. Still working on it.

"The Key of Solomon" isimli çizgi roman projem için tasarladığım karakterlerden biri. Zaman bulabilirsem tamamlamayı umuyorum..


Character Design for "The Key of Solomon". Comic book project that i wrote the script and designed all the characters. Still working on it.

"The Key of Solomon" isimli çizgi roman projem için tasarladığım karakterlerden biri. Zaman bulabilirsem tamamlamayı umuyorum..


Character Design for "The Key of Solomon". Comic book project that i wrote the script and designed all the characters. Still working on it.

"The Key of Solomon" isimli çizgi roman projem için tasarladığım karakterlerden biri. Zaman bulabilirsem tamamlamayı umuyorum..


Character Design for "The Key of Solomon". Comic book project that i wrote the script and designed all the characters. Still working on it.

"The Key of Solomon" isimli çizgi roman projem için tasarladığım karakterlerden biri. Zaman bulabilirsem tamamlamayı umuyorum.. 


Character Design for "The Key of Solomon". Comic book project that i wrote the script and designed all the characters. Still working on it.

"The Key of Solomon" isimli çizgi roman projem için tasarladığım karakterlerden biri. Zaman bulabilirsem tamamlamayı umuyorum.. 

He is my favorite character from tv series. Of course after Batman. Because he is Batman..This work completed in 20hours and one of my favorite. Hope you like it..

Tüm çalışma yaklaşık 20 saat sürdü. Karakalem, mürekkepleme ve renklendirmenin tamamı bana ait. 

"Angel of the Night"

Illustrations for our Airsoft Team (J.A.G.D) Most of our team member retired but their legacy remains..

Airsoft Takım üyelerimiz için yaptığım çizimler.

 Design for The Dark Knight Rises t-shirt contest.

"Spartan Warrior vs Elf"

This one is my first serious comic book style work. Spartan Warrior based on Leonidas from 300. I spend 1-2 hours every day so let's say i completed this work in one week or two

"Spartan Warrior vs Elf"

Bu çalışma benim çizgi roman tarzı denemelerimin ilk. Spartalı savaşçıyı "300" filmindeki Leonidas karakterinden esinlendim. Tamamının bitmesi bir kaç haftamı almış olsa gerek. Biraz uzun farkındayım..

Witch Which is Which ?

Poster design for 49th Library Week.

49.Kütüphane Haftası için tasarladığım poster. Daha sonra mansiyon ödülü alarak sergilenmeye layık görüldü...

Sol üstteki logo çalışması "Atasay 75.YIL" için açılan yarışmaya katıldığım tasarım. Sağ üst ise Ankara'da hizmet veren rehberlik ve araştırma merkezi için çalıştım. Alttaki logo tasarımı Samsun Canik Belediyesi'nin yarışması için tasarlandı. 

 Logo designs for a national brand-building program called "TURQUALITY". TURQUALITY is an ambitious project associated with bringing “Turkey” and “Quality” concepts together.

"TURQUALITY" isimli proje için çeşitli logo tasarımları..

Logo and character designs for called "Kids Time"

"Kids Time" isimli firma için maskot ve logo tasarım örnekleri..